The Dynamo Judo Sportcenter @dynamosportcenter club hosted the «I will be the best 2» competition on May 11. Athletes from different clubs in Miami and the surrounding area took part in the tournament. The competition was held on a round-robin basis to give participants more opportunities to compete.
Such competitions are needed to prepare for away competitions. Children learn to compete, get ready for battle, control their emotions and apply techniques they have practiced in training. Our trainers always help them get out of difficult situations correctly. Natalya Kuzyutina and Ivan Rybalko notes difficult moments and carefully work through them with each student individually. Such work does not give children negative emotions, but an incentive to work further, compete and strive to victory.
For many guys the competition was productive. Congratulations to the first places: Zakhar Parakhnevich, Aleksei Shotshnaider, Ivan Tsysar, Semen Paduria, Leonardo Skye, Selina Chartamatsidis, Agata Rumyantseva, Polina Lutsyk.
Second places were taken by: Miron Poduzov, Vincent Chartamatsidis, Mikhail Rudenko, Sergei Bogoiavlenskii, Demid Chernenok, Roman Lipelis, Lev Puzikov, Alisa Belitskaya.
Third places: Avrora Rumyantseva, Alexander Li, Pavel Rehmus, Daniel Schneider, Mikhail Suponin, Kiryl Karnitski, Danilo Tarasiuk, Timur Legay, Leonid Kholodov.
We thank our eminent coaches and Artur Tsysar for organizing the competition!